This post will explain how to:
1.Time as you work (recommended).
You can time on any task by clicking on a record (a row in a table) and then clicking on the timer.

The timer will turn orange and start to time. You can navigate away from this table, close the app or move over to your mobile, and the timer will continue to count.

If you hover over the timer, it will show you which client and task you are currently timing on.

Once you are done working on the task, click stop.
All time captured in this way will go to the time log table in the Time Management department.

2.Adjust time records.
You can adjust any time by:
Going to the Time Management department,
Clicking on the Time Log table and on a record.
Adjust the start or end time.
Click Save.

The time log record will, amongst other things, provide a rounded time. If your user access allows, you can adjust the time rounding in your Firm Settings table.
3.Indicating Non-Billable Time
When setting up your billing, you can indicate if a task is billable or not. This will pull through to all specified tasks timed on.
If however, you only want to indicate specific time records as non-billable:
Go to your Time Log table
Click on a record
Check the Non-Billable checkox.
This is an indicator only for management to review when they authorize time. It will not influence your billing automatically.
4.Add time manually.
You can add time manually in DataGrows, however we highly recommend that your team gets into the habit of using our timer. Using the timer as you work will allow for streamlined workflows and save a lot of time by avoiding manual entry.
To add time manually:
Go to the Time Log table
Click on Add Record in the top right corner
Complete the form

If you have any questions, please send an email to
You can learn more about the Authorizing time here.