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The first upgrades for 2025!

Happy New Year! We are so excited for everything to come in 2025. We have big plans to reach greater heights, and we are excited for another amazing year with you.  


We hope that your year will be blessed with success, happiness and love.  


The team have been hard at work over December and January to bring you some great additions.  


Before we get to the features, we have an IMPORTANT request.  

We have made upgrades to the email feature. Please re-integrate your Microsoft accounts to ensure your emails continue to be sent. Make sure your entire team does the integration by logging into each DataGrows account, going to Settings > Microsoft integration, and logging in.


Thank you.  


Here is the list of all our new upgrades. It is quite a long one, so here is a quick summary: 

  • New automated emails have been introduced 

  • The Client table has gained a lot of fields to host more important information for your clients and to make provision for a new trust module and member module for close corporations.  

  • The tabs within your client table at the top will automatically hide based on the selected entity type, only displaying tabs relating to the specific entity type.  

  • The engagement letter can now be sent as a PDF from DataGrows! 


Here is a more detailed breakdown. Please reach out if you have any questions: 


New Emails 


We have introduced a few new emails that will be sent to either your staff or your clients. To find out more about our automated emails, please visit this link.  


Here is the list of new emails: 

  • Confirmation / Update of Ownership Details  

Send to: Client 

If actioned, an email will be sent to all your CIPC Registered clients who have a Beneficial Ownership Declaration due in the current month.  

The email will request that they confirm or update their current ownership details. 

  • EMP201 Payment Reminder 

Send to: Client 

If actioned, an email will be sent to all your EMP201 registered clients where an EMP201 return is due by the 7th of the following month. The email will remind them to release their payment on their banking platform. 

  • Beneficial Owner Declaration Reminder 

Send to: Staff 

If actioned, an email will be sent to your staff where a CIPC Beneficial Ownership declaration is due for their clients in the current month. Reminding them to request changes for a list of clients. 


  • Audit tasks due email 

A summary report of all audit tasks due will be sent out every Monday morning along with your All tasks due email. This is not an email that you need to action, it will automatically send out to your staff if you have audit tasks.  


Additions to the Client table  


The client table has undergone quite a big expansion. This was done to accommodate the launch of our new Membership, Dividends Declared and Trust modules (more on these in a bit) 


The following fields have been added to the Client table. Please note that some of them are entity type-specific and will display once the entity type has been selected.  

  • New fields added to the Client table for natural persons: 

    • Gender 

    • Language Preference 

    • Country of Origin 

    • Country of Residence 

    • Disability 

    • Demographic 

All these update to the beneficial interest tab if you choose them from the existing client dropdown.  

  • For Trusts : 

    • Trust Bank Account = checkbox 

    • Nr of Meetings p/a = Text 

    • Audit of AFS req = checkbox 


Other additions: 

  • SDL Registered  

  • Annual Salary Amount field (to indicate the year and a value) 

  • You can now select a SARS Payment Method in the client table. To display as Credit Push or Manual EFT on all applicable SARS Submission tasks.  

  • For Audits, a dropdown option has been added to indicate Trust Accountant Audit, Financials, 

  • Where marital status = married in community of property, fields have been added for Initials of Spouse and ID number of Spouse. 

  • You can now set a custom Due date for weekly wages instead of having it schedule for every Friday. You can set this under Services in the Client table.  


New Tables 


Trusts Tax Returns

For trusts where income tax has been switched on in the Client table, a trust income tax record will be scheduled in the new Trusts Tax Returns table in the tax department for the next financial year once SARS announces the 2025 tax season.  

Trust Tab 


We now have a dedicated tab for trusts. If you click on a Trust client, you can navigate to this tab through the navigation at the top.  


Please capture every related person to the trust tab: Founder, Donor, Trustee, Beneficiary, etc.  


Additional Info Tab 

The new tab enables you to capture extra info for any client: 

  • Document Type: Founding Document, Bank Account, Annual Financial Statements,  Asset Register, Resolutions, Other, Accounting Officer, Auditor 

  • Description 

  • Note 

  • Date 


CC Member tab 


For all Close Corporations clients, a Members tab has been added. You can find it by clicking on the client record in the Client table and then going to Members. If you had directors and shareholders added for these clients, they would have been copied over to the Members tab. Please double-check these clients.



SARS Taxpayers Archive table 

You can now mark a SARS taxpayer as inactive, this will move them from your SARS Taxpayer table to the Archive table. If you import taxpayers through the extension again, the status will remain the same in DataGrows. This status does not pull through to SARS and will not alter the client record on eFiling.




Dividends Declared table


A Dividends Declared table has been introduced along with a SARS task called Dividends declared. This is a manual task. Use it to calculate dividends tax due and prepare the necessary information to declare to SARS, including the tax payment date. Trigger a SARS Task for a double reminder.  



New Tasks  


We have introduced two new tasks to existing tables.   

  • In the Firm & Adhoc Tasks table a task was added for Personal Time 

  • In the SARS task table a task was added for Trust Income Tax Verification 

  • In the Leave tracker table, study leave has been added as an option 


Please remember to update your rates table to accommodate these new tasks. Please reach out to if you need assistance. 




  • The Customer VAT number now sends to the invoice on Sage, please make sure it’s loaded on the client record on DataGrows.  

  • You can now download all records in a table from the new look by setting your rows per page to the max, then going to Menu – Download 


Other New Additions 


Macro on the Directors table 

You can now easily post a director to the beneficial ownership table or shareholder table by selecting their record, then going to Actions and selecting the applicable option. 



Automatic hiding of tabs per entity type 


  • The tabs at the top of your screen will adjust to only include tabs applicable to the entity type you are on.  


My Chats 

A “Chat with” column has been introduced in the My Chats table. This will indicate all staff actively engaging in the chat. Please remember if anyone has access to the task, they will still be able to see the chat even if their name is not displayed in the chat with column.  


Engagement Letter 


We are very proud to announce that if you send an engagement letter from DataGrows, it will now be sent as a PDF. Please reach out for help to complete your template setup. We’re going to be launching a custom auto-letter template soon to make any letter you need! Watch this space.  


Additional columns 

  • The Income Tax Individuals now has a checkbox for Return Sent 

  • The Corporate Tax table has a new ITR14 Sent and ITR14 Prepared checkbox 

  • And the EMP201 table has an EMPSA Saved checkbox 


Thank you to each and every user who requested and contributed to these upgrades! We value every suggestion!  


That’s all for now. If you have any suggestions, questions or feedback, please let us know by emailing Have a fantastic day!    


The DataGrows team.     


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